Shark Cage Diving Experience in Simon’s Town

The 22nd of August 1996 was a significant day for Great white shark eco-tourism in False Bay. This was the day the first ever great white shark breach was observed and recorded at Seal Island and also the start of the World’s fascination with breaching great white sharks. Chris Fallows from Apex Shark Expeditions shares the […]
The Collapse of the Smaller Shark Species – South Africa

The collapse of the smaller shark species south africa It’s not rocket science to know that when you remove large predators there are going to be massive effects to the ecosystem from which they are removed. I think one of the greatest misconceptions is that there are so many sharks out there. If you look at the […]
What is Shark Free Chips?

SHARKFREECHIPS CAMPAIGN IS LAUNCHED. In the last few years, a small group of dedicated conservationists have sounded the alarm repeatedly that South Africa’s smoothhound and soupfin shark populations are collapsing. The reason is this: A fishery by the name of Demersal Shark Longlining (DSL) that has been working along our coastline has been overfishing […]
Explore Tiger Beach and Bimini in the Bahamas

February 2017 Back in 2002, Chris and I spent our honeymoon shark diving on a liveaboard dive boat at Tiger Beach and Bimini, in the Bahamas. 15 years ago the shark dive operators here were just starting to become successful in finding, and scuba diving with Great Hammerheads and Tiger Sharks. We had a great […]
Explore the Great Namiri Plains

South East Serengeti, Tanzania Since the South African borders opened on 1 October we have tried to travel as much as possible in order to take advantage of experiencing wildlife areas that are currently quiet in terms of visitor numbers. Both Kenya and Tanzania have offered very good opportunities. In 2018 we had the great […]