White Pointer II is the name of our 35 ft. catamaran. This boat was specifically built for the purpose of working, viewing and diving with Great white sharks in the waters of the Western Cape. She complies with all safety requirements and Great white shark permit conditions. She carries all the necessary safety equipment and is certified on an annual basis by SAMSA, the authority responsible for maritime safety in South Africa. We are committed to achieving and maintaining a high standard of health and safety both on land and at sea. We will always strive to set the standards of a safe boat-based operation, going beyond our legal obligations to manage any potential risks effectively and provide a safe environment for all involved.
Our shark cage is constructed with galvanized steel and certified by a registered engineer. Further to this the South African cage-diving industry is regulated by a code of conduct and regulations from Marine and Coastal Management DAFF. Our equipment meets all the required safety standards and the experience of our crew ensure that you’re in good hands.
No experience is required to shark cage dive. We use the breath-hold technique as visibility can be limited and eyeball time with the animals’ underwater usually only lasts a few seconds at a time. Our experienced and professional crew will give you direction to ensure maximum shark viewing whilst cage diving. A hookah scuba system is available for certified divers upon request. Please indicate when making your booking.
If you don’t want to get wet, the boat based viewing is excellent as many of the sharks swim at the surface. Our surface viewing deck offers 360 degrees view and our enclosed cabin offers cover and protection from the elements. As the boat based viewing is equal if not better than the cage dive viewing, divers and non-divers pay the same price for the shark trip.
Wildlife Sightings Cannot Be Guaranteed.
We Will However, Give You Realistic Expectations before Making A Booking.
27 June 2023
Next trip 28 June
*Trip status updated daily at 16h00 SAST